Monday, July 31, 2006


I like golf. I tried to learn to play once. I spent several hundred dollars on equipment and I looked good when I unloaded at the course but after that it was all downhill and I resigned myself to enjoying spectator golf.

My husband, son, son-in-law, grandson, and many friends are golfers, I live on a golf course and I watch tournaments on T.V. but this past weekend I took my spectator golf to a whole new level. In order to help entertain our golfing friends who were visiting from Florida, I spent all day every day, two states and three courses, watching golf from the cart !

One thing I got out of my excursion was a new insight into golfing jargon:

"Ni-Shaa" is "nice shot" which is said each time the ball is hit by another person in order to boost the confidence of the ball hitter.
"Get in the Hole" is screamed immediately after the ball is struck even though the ball may not be headed anywhere near the hole.
Talking to the ball is common - "Whoa, ball", "Sit, ball", "Find some darkness, ball", "Bite, ball", and "Roll, ball, roll" are repeated at each hole.

Then there are the terms which I use entirely differently from the way golfers use them such as, "I pulled the damn thing", "I need to draw this one ", "That was soooo fat", and "What a good lie".

Oh, well, I do enjoy the scenery and the company and I did get one more thing out of my 54-hole spectator golfing experience - a major sunburn !

Thursday, July 27, 2006


I'm probably not the best person to give marriage advice, but I did see where one couple seems to have it figured out - Pamela Anderson and Bob Ritchie (Kid Rock).

They are to be married this Saturday in St. Tropez, France, then they are coming to the U.S. to get married in California, then traveling to Michigan to get married, then ending up in Tennessee to tie the knot.

Maybe if we all had multiple ceremony locations . . . . .

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Who said human ingenuity was dead ?

Why is it that I put off going to the grocery store until I have one end piece of bread and a teaspoon of outdated milk ? It doesn't make sense because I like to cook and like to eat even better so one would think my attraction to food would make me look forward to the whole grocery experience but no - it doesn't !

Out of town guests coming tomorrow for the weekend forced me to go for the two-buggy trip yesterday and I tried to make it a fun experience so I wouldn't go completely berserk ! I began to look at grocery buying as an adventure and tried to think of one liners for my stand-up comedy routine that I secretly always wanted to do and I wondered - - -

Why do they put croutons in air-tight containers ? Aren't they just stale bread anyway ?
When cheese gets its picture taken, does it say "people"?
Why is lemon juice flavored with artificial flavoring when dishwashing liquid has real lemon?
Spelling Evian backwards should tell you why you are spending $2.00 for a bottle of water.
Then they had the "new and improved" cat food - who knows that ?

I had almost gotten myself into a good mood thinking of funny things when the person in front of me had to have a price check on bok choy (of course no one knew what it was much less how much it cost) and after standing in that line for 20 minutes I resolved not to go back grocery shopping until mid-September !

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Part of my renovation to a new phase of life has been in the area of trips to the nail salon. There was a time when first of all, I was a nail biter and a trip to a nail salon would have been fruitless and secondly, I thought only the wealthy or extremely pampered frequented a nail salon, and thirdly, I would have been hard pressed to find a nail salon in small town Fort Payne. That has all changed. Now there are ten nail salons and almost everyone I know goes to one of them. I have fallen into the trap - I absolutely have to have my nails done ! And sometimes I even get my toenails done ! Talk about pampered !

Yesterday, on one of my visits, they told me I needed to have the fake acrylic taken off my nails so I could have more fake acrylic slathered on . I soaked my hands in a solution which I am sure ate off my skin as it was eating off the fake goo. Then, my nails were free and natural and long ! Then they told me I needed to cut my long nails off so they could glue fake tips on and put on more acrylic which I had just spent 30 minutes having removed !

$40 bucks and two hours later, I walked out of there with my pretty new nails - having succumbed once again to the pressure of my new renovation.

Go figure . . .

Monday, July 24, 2006


1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup Crisco
1/2 tsp. salt
6 tablespoons ice water

Mix flour and salt together. Cut shortening into flour mixture with a pastry blender (a fork will do if you don't have a pastry blender but do not use your hands to mix it) until the mixture looks like pea-sized lumps. Add ice water and work into mixture until you can roll into a ball. Place in refrigerator for a few minutes.

2 1/2 - 3 cups fresh blackberries
1 stick butter
2 cups sugar

Take pastry out of fridge, roll out on floured board until it is very thin and cut into 2 inch wide strips. Lay some strips on bottom of oven-safe pan (I use a round aluminum pan about 5 or 6 inches deep)put a layer of blackberries, then a layer of sugar, then pats of butter and repeat layers until all ingredients are used ending with a layer of pastry strips. Bake at 350 about 45 minutes or until pastry is brown on top.

NOTE: All of my mother's recipes which were handed down to me went something like this: "Add berries, put layers of sugar and butter on that until it looks like it has the right consistency . . ." She rarely ever measured anything so coming up with exact amounts of ingredients is challenging to say the least.

Hope this works for you.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


While I'm not a card carrying member of GRITS (girls raised in the south) I admit I am one of them and as such, there are certain foods which are imperative that one not only enjoys, but also knows how to make: blackberry cobbler, fried green tomatoes, and homemade ice cream !

Last night, I made two freezers - one fresh peach and the other vanilla - to take to a backyard party at my son's home. Of course, as in most cases of events I attend, I was the oldest one there but I was one of the most popular because of my two freezers of homemade ice cream ! One 30-year-old, after consuming three bowls of the tasty concoction asked where one could buy an ice cream freezer ? He said that he had searched all the logical places this summer looking for one - Lowes, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc. and there wasn't one to be found.

That's sad. . ..

Naming a blog is almost as difficult as naming a new baby - well, maybe not quite that much pressure but pressure to get it just right. My blogger friends and family members seem to have come up with the perfect fit for theirs so I spent a couple of minutes coming up with mine and here goes-

The first part of my life was spent raising children and working in the field of education, teaching school and working for a state education organization. After retiring from that, I embarked on another career in real estate which consumed another 15 years.

I am now entering that phase in life where I want to preserve all the things which have brought me so much joy but I also realize that a renovation is taking place - I don't want to be closed to the ideas and advancements of the 21st century (although I am having a struggle with figuring out where rap music fits into a progressive society) or closed to the technology which I don't even pretend to understand but I want to enjoy the more relaxed pace which retirement brings.

I am Open for Renovation - - - -