Thursday, January 31, 2008

Albino Peacock

I'm told this is a rare occurance in nature. It is really beautiful!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My New Watch

I have one watch which is silver but sometimes I like to wear gold so I asked for a gold watch for my birthday and this is the new watch my husband ordered for me.

It has Rolex on the face of it but it is of the $100-$150 variety of Rolex (fake) instead of the $2500-$10,000 (real) variety but it is pretty. My other gold watch was of the $10 variety purchased on our first family cruise 6 years ago and I could not coax it to run anymore - not with new batteries or anything.

It doesn't take a lot to excite a woman of my age and getting a new watch makes a day special!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Good News ----And The Bad News


Last week, my son Kirk, finally got rid of his loathsome Treo and got a fabulous new cell phone!


This week, he lost it.


He knows where he lost it.


He lost it somewhere between Atlanta, Georgia and Tuscan, Arizona.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Hillary Was Number 1 for Me !

Someone sent me a test which I took in order to see which candidate best suited my political views. I already knew which candidate(s) I support but it was nice to see that my views coincided with all the candidates I like. Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama were my top two (well, actually somebody named Dennis Kucinich ranked above them but of the viable candidates, Hillary and Barak were number 1 and 2) and all the Democrats scored higher than any Republicans with my last one being Fred Thompson. There was only one catagory that I agreed with his position on and at the moment I can't think of what that one thing was.

If you want to take this little test, here is the link:

Try it - it's fun!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Golden Globe BUST !

I am usually a pretty big fan of awards shows - you know, the Oscars, the Emmys, the CMA Awards, etc. so when I tuned in to watch the Golden Globes show the other night I was expecting to be entertained ----- WRONG !!! It should never have been aired ! I watched about - hum, let's see, 1 minute and 45 seconds of it and was already bored out of my gourd, so I proceeded to watch some other inane TV show and that lasted about 2 minutes and 45 seconds before I was bored.

I am so ready for the writer's strike to be over. If it is not settled soon, I will probably just toss my TV out the window and spend all my spare time working crossword puzzles!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Movie Review

This past weekend I went to see The Great Debaters starring Denzel Washington and Forest Whitaker. It is based on a true story about a small college in Marshall, Texas, called Wiley College that had an unbelievably talented and knowledgeable teacher who inspired his students to achieve more than anyone ever dreamed they could. The story was riveting, the acting superb and the message was one we should all never forget.

Martin Luther King once said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." The movie embodied that truth and I left the theatre thinking that I had just seen one of the best movies of all time. I highly recommend it!!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Key West, Florida

A co-worker of mine spent part of her holidays in Key West, Florida, and in addition to sporting a new tattoo when she came back to work, she also brought some beautiful photographs she made while there.

This is a picture made by my co-worker of a typical Key West sunset. It is claimed that the most beautiful sunsets in the world are there and I can attest to that! I have been to Key West four times, three times by boat and one time by car. When I lived in South Florida, it was just a nice little day trip by boat and a nice long weekend trip by car and every time I went there I had a wonderful time!

Some of the things I enjoyed most were the trip to the Ernest Hemingway house, walking up and down Duval Street, riding motor scooters all around town, the Key Lime Inn where we stayed and one of my personal favorite memories was the day our whole family sat at a little
garden cafe and drank beer out of tiny bottles in little ice buckets! Wow! What memories this little family of mine has amassed over the years!

I think it is about time we all took another trip to beautiful Key West !