For the past several years, our family and friends have participated in a small betting pool for the winners of American Idol. Listed below are those who submitted entries and the choices they picked.
The scoring is determined by Terry Hawkins each year and he submitted the following rules:
# 1 correct: 100 points
# 2 correct: 75 points
# 3 and 4 : 50 points each (correct in any order)
# 5,6, & 7: 35 points each (correct in any order)
# 8,9 & 10: 25 points each (correct in any order)
Sara's Picks:
1. Danny
2. Matt
3. Adam
4. Allison
5. Lil
6. Kris
7. Anoop
8. Scott
9. Michael
10. Alexis
Amy's Picks:
1. Adam
2. Danny
3. Matt
4. Lil
5. Anoop
6. Allison
7. Michael
8. Megan
9. Kris
10. Scott
Kirk's Picks:
1. Adam
2. Lil
3. Danny
4. Allison
5. Alexis
6. Kris
7. Scott
8. Matt
9. Michael
10. Megan
Benji's Picks:
1. Matt
2. Danny
3. Kris
4. Lil
5. Adam
6. Allison
7. Alexis
8. Anoop
9. Megan
10. Scott
Kristen's Picks:
1. Lil
2. Adam
3. Alexis
4. Danny
5. Scott
6. Michael
7. Allison
8. Anoop
9. Kris
10. Matt
Davidson Family Picks:
1. Danny
2. Kris
3. Matt
4. Lil
5. Allison
6. Megan
7. Adam
8. Scott
9. Alexis
10. Anoop
Jamie Edwards Picks:
1. Adam
2. Danny
3. Lil
4. Matt
5. Allison
6. Alexis
7. Kris
8. Scott
9. Anoop
10. Megan
John's Picks:
1. Adam
2. Matt
3. Danny
4. Allison
5. Lil
6. Kris
7. Anoop
8. Scott
9. Michael
10. Alexis
Terry Willmon's Picks:
1. Danny
2. Matt
3. Kris
4. Lil
5. Adam
6. Anoop
7. Allison
8. Scott
9. Michael
10. Megan
April's Picks:
1. Danny
2. Adam
3. Matt
4. Lil
5. Allison
6. Anoop
7. Alexis
8. Kris
9. Michael
10. Megan
Susan's Picks:
1. Kris
2. Lil
3. Danny
4. Anoop
5. Matt
6. Adam
7. Allison
8. Scott
9. Alexis
10. Michael
Terry Hawkins Picks:
1. Adam
2. Danny
3. Kris
4. Lil
5. Matt
6. Allison
7. Scott
8. Michael
9. Anoop
10. Megan