Friday, February 23, 2007

What Could You Do With $1,000,000.00 ?

1. You could go to and be the lucky owner of Britney Spears recently- shorn locks of hair; or
2. You could provide innoculations against disease for thousands of people who cannot afford them; or
3. You could provide school textbooks for hundreds of disadvantaged children; or
4. You could provide warm blankets for 50,000 homeless people; or
5. You could rebuild 20 homes for Katrina victims; or
6. You could help find a cure for AIDS, breast cancer, cystic fibrosis or muscular dystrophy.

But if have a million bucks and you are hell bent on having something that belonged to Britney, it would make more sense to purchase her house which is also for sale.

Come to think of it - anyone considering buying her hair probably wouldn't know or care what made sense and what didn't.

1 comment:

Amy R Shipp said...

I've always been grateful for your love and wisdom and guidance, Mom. But apparently, I also need to be grateful that I didn't grow up seeing your shaved head plastered all over the tabloids. So thanks!